Script to backup directories on a regular basis v2 - with ZIPs
Update: Monday, 19th of October 2020, 08:31:57 PM. Now on GitHub!
Update: Monday 21 May 2012, 02:30:59 PM. Added use of invisible script to hide DOS box from scheduled invocation.
Update: Monday 12 September 2011, 07:53:04 PM. Re-wrote use of FORFILES to use / switches. Included %ZIP% variable to avoid relying on 7z being in the path. Also added Pro Tip for changing paths depending on the environment.
Version 4 of my Script to backup directories on a regular basis, this one backs up the directories as ZIP files. The first version worked just by copying directories. The reason I didn't go straight to ZIP in the first place is that on Windows, there is no built in ZIP functionality suited to the purpose: Windows compress command isn't a real zip replacement; WinZip isn't free; and I wanted batch script rather than a bash script (though I still love Cygwin). So this one uses 7-zip, a FREE and open source alternative to WinZip. Version 4 adds invisibleness! The scheduler uses a vbs script so that each time Windows Scheduler invokes this script, you don't get a DOS box popping up.
The script below has two functions. The first is to backup a set of directories and delete old backups. You edit the script to define what directories it backs up, which directory they get backed up to and how long backups should be kept for. The second function is to schedule the script so that it will be called every few hours. You edit the script to define how often it should be called.
This is a Windows DOS Batch script. I have only tested it on Windows 7. It has two dependencies. The first is forfiles.exe which should be native to Windows 7, since XP. If you haven't got it, get it from the magnificent site: An A-Z Index of the Windows XP command line. Make sure to put it in the path before running this script. The second dependency is 7-zip, a FREE and open source alternative to WinZip. Download and install it, then edit the ZIP
variable in the script if 7z wasn't installed here: C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe
. Notes about running the script itself appear below the script.
@ECHO OFF REM Directory backup utility. REM REM - v1. Written by Robert Mark Bram, 23/06/2010 5:10:55 PM. REM - v2. Robert Mark Bram, 28/06/2010 6:03:28 PM: modified to backup REM directories to zip files instead of backing by copying directories. REM - v3. Robert Mark Bram, Monday 12 September 2011, 07:34:52 PM REM modified the way FORFILES is called to use / switches. REM Plus, added ZIP variable instead of relying on it being in the PATH. REM - v4. Robert Mark Bram, Saturday 19 May 2012, 11:43:42 AM REM integrated invisible.vbs to hide DOS box. REM - Tested on Win 7 and XP 64 bit. REM - Dependency: invisible.vbs - small script that lets this batch file be run REM without popping up a DOS box. Is used when you schedule this batch. REM Put invisible.vbs in the same folder as this batch file. REM REM - Dependency: forfiles.exe - Windows 7/XP-bit and later should have the REM FORFILES command by default. For earlier Windows builds, get it from: REM REM and make sure to put forfiles.exe in the PATH (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\system32\ REM for Windows XP). REM - Dependency: 7zip, a FREE and open source alternative to WinZip - get it REM from here: and edit the ZIP variable below if the REM path is NOT C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe. REM BACKUP AND DELETE OLD BACKUPS REM Run this script without arguments and it will backup selected directories to REM a backup directory and delete old backup directories. REM SCHEDULE BACKUP TASKS REM Run this script with argument "sched" and it will schedule this script to run REM every few hours. You will need to enter your Windows password. REM For example: REM D:\work\MyProject>backupDataHourly.bat sched REM Scheduling task. REM The task will be created under current logged-on user name ("SPIKE\Robert Bram"). REM Please enter the run as password for SPIKE\Robert Bram: ************** :: REM SUCCESS: The scheduled task "Backup data hourly" has successfully been created. REM D:\work\MyProject> REM ======================================= REM EDIT THIS SECTION. REM ======================================= REM Where is 7zip installed to? SET ZIP="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" REM Where do you want to put the backup files? SET BACKUP_HOME=D:\files\backups REM How long (days) do you want to keep them? SET DAYS_B4_DELETE=10 REM Define path and label (no spaces) for each directory you want to backup. SET DIR1="D:\work\MyProjects\FirstProject" SET LBL1=FIRST_PROJ SET DIR2="D:\work\MyProjects\SecondProject" SET LBL2=SECOND_PROJ REM How many dir/lbl combinations did you define? SET MAX=2 REM How often (in hours) do you want to run this script? SET HOURS=1 REM What name to give the scheduled task. SET SCHED_TASK_LABEL=Backup data hourly REM ======================================= REM DON'T CHANGE BELOW THIS POINT unless you know what you are doing! REM ======================================= REM Directory Checks IF "%BACKUP_HOME%" == "" ( echo Warning: BACKUP_HOME has not been set. GOTO END ) IF NOT EXIST "%BACKUP_HOME%" ( echo Warning: BACKUP_HOME [%BACKUP_HOME%] does not exist. GOTO END ) REM Are we scheduling or backing up? IF "%1" == "sched" GOTO :SCHEDULE GOTO :BACKUP REM Schedule this script to run regularly - user will have to enter password. :SCHEDULE echo Scheduling task: %0. REM Schedule task. schtasks /create /SC HOURLY /MO %HOURS% /tn "%SCHED_TASK_LABEL%" /tr "wscript.exe %~dp0invisible.vbs %0" GOTO :END REM Run backup tasks. :BACKUP echo Backing up files. REM Create timestamp. SET hh=%time:~0,2% if "%time:~0,1%"==" " SET hh=0%hh:~1,1% SET YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS=%date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%_%hh%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2% REM Backup selected paths. SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion For /L %%i in (1,1,%MAX%) Do ( IF EXIST !DIR%%i! ( %ZIP% a -tzip -r "%BACKUP_HOME%\!LBL%%i!" !DIR%%i! ) ) EndLocal REM Delete old backups. echo Deleting old files. IF "%DAYS_B4_DELETE%" == "" ( echo WARNING! DAYS_B4_DELETE not set. Not deleting old backups. GOTO :END ) REM SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion For /L %%i in (1,1,%MAX%) Do ( FORFILES /P "%BACKUP_HOME%" /M !LBL%%i!_*.zip /D -%DAYS_B4_DELETE% ^ /C "CMD /C del /F /Q @FILE & echo Deleted @FILE " ) EndLocal REM Use this for testing - echo what files will be deleted. REM SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion REM For /L %%i in (1,1,%MAX%) Do ( REM FORFILES /P "%BACKUP_HOME%" /M !LBL%%i!_*.zip /D -%DAYS_B4_DELETE% ^ REM /C "CMD /C echo @FILE will be deleted" REM ) REM EndLocal :END REM Uncomment the "pause" line if you want the command window to stick around REM until you "Press any key to continue . . ." REM (Let's you see the output of every run.) REM pause
You can run the script just by double clicking it or running it on the command line without any parameters, but the intention is that you schedule the script to run every few hours.
You can get invisible.vbs from my Dropbox. It's just a one line script however, so you can just as easily save it to a file yourself from this: CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False. Save it to the same directory as the backup script itself (also available from my Dropbox).
Save the backup and invisible script somewhere and edit the variables in the section labelled EDIT THIS SECTION
. Make sure to give values to the variables there:
- location where 7z is installed,C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe
by default.BACKUP_HOME
- where to store the backups.DAYS_B4_DELETE
- how many days backups should be kept before deleting them.DIRX
- a directory and label combination for each directory you want to back up. For example,DIR1="D:\work\MyProjects\FirstProject"
will result in a backup ZIP being created such
- the label plus a time stamp.MAX
- how manyDIRX
combinations you have (needed for loop control).HOURS
- how often to run the script (in hours).SCHED_TASK_LABEL
- what to call the task in the Scheduled Tasks applet.
Once you have edited the values, you can just run the script to create the backups - or you can run the script to schedule backups by running it with the parameter “sched”. You will have to enter your login password. Here is an example:
D:\work\MyProjects>backupDataHourly.bat sched Scheduling task. The task will be created under current logged-on user name ("SPIKE\Robert Bram"). Please enter the run as password for SPIKE\Robert Bram: ************** SUCCESS: The scheduled task "Backup data hourly" has successfully been created. D:\work\MyProjects>
Pro Tip: Change Configuration per Environment
Pro Tip. I like to run my own personal source control system and check my important scripts into it. If possible, I like to set up my various computers such that the same script will run equally everywhere. The biggest road-block for having this work is paths: no matter how much I try, I always end up with different paths on my different machines. No matter, for this script, you can set different paths depending on what machine you are running on! Do it with code like that shown below.
SET ZIP="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" REM My Workplace if "%computername%" == "WORKLAPTOP" ( REM Where do you want to put the backup files? SET BACKUP_HOME=D:\files\backups REM How long (days) do you want to keep them? SET DAYS_B4_DELETE=10 REM Define path and label (no spaces) for each directory you want to backup. SET DIR1="D:\work\MyProjects\FirstProject" SET LBL1=FIRST_PROJ SET DIR2="D:\work\MyProjects\SecondProject" SET LBL2=SECOND_PROJ REM How many dir/lbl combinations did you define? SET MAX=2 REM How often (in hours) do you want to run this script? SET HOURS=1 REM What name to give the scheduled task. SET SCHED_TASK_LABEL=Backup data hourly ) else if "%computername%" == "HOMEPC" ( REM Where do you want to put the backup files? SET BACKUP_HOME=C:\files\backups REM How long (days) do you want to keep them? SET DAYS_B4_DELETE=10 REM Define path and label (no spaces) for each directory you want to backup. SET DIR1="C:\work\MyProjects\ThirdProject" SET LBL1=THIRD_PROJ SET DIR2="C:\work\MyProjects\FourthProject" SET LBL2=FOURTH_PROJ REM How many dir/lbl combinations did you define? SET MAX=2 REM How often (in hours) do you want to run this script? SET HOURS=1 REM What name to give the scheduled task. SET SCHED_TASK_LABEL=Backup data hourly )
In this example, I have all the same paths, except that on my work machine everything is in D:
, but in C:
at home! Also, when I am at home, I work on different projects - I don't want to back up work projects, so I change what projects (path and label pairs) are targeted. Find out %computername%
simply by opening up a DOS command shell and typing echo %computername%
So now I am sure I has backups!