Simplest dotCMS Detail Page using Velocity

Update: 27/10/2010 Used $webapi.getIdentifierInode($id) to ensure that we have identifier, irrespective of whether our request parameter was an identifier or inode.

Simplest way to create a dotCMS detail page in Velocity. All you need is the item's identifier or inode. Assume identifier is stored as id in the request.

   <p> Nothing to fetch </p>
   #set($id = $request.getParameter("id"))
   #set($id = $webapi.getIdentifierInode($id)) ## Get identifier from inode or identifier
   #foreach($entry in $content.entrySet())
      <p><b>$entry.key</b>: $entry.value</p>

This produces a non-sorted list of attribute name/value pairs. For a more complicated detail page (which is sorted), try out this code sample by Chris Falzone, which he referred me to in this dotCMS Yahoo post: loop through all fields in a node?

You can use #getContentMapDetailByIdentifier() or #getContentMapDetail() - they seem to do pretty much the same thing. It is most important to use a method that relies on identifier rather than inode (like #pullContent()) for lookup because users might bookmark the detail page and inode changes with each revision. The #getContent() and #pullContent() macros can use either the identifier or any of the inode values - they are smart enough to always look up the latest content (but they don't return a handy map though).

One more thing: right now, I can find no concrete documentation on either #getContentMapDetailByIdentifier() or #getContentMapDetail(), just a couple of posts that reference those methods. I had to dig into dotCMS vm files (dotCMS 1.7). Both of these macros are defined in $DOTCMS_HOME/dotCMS/WEB-INF/velocity/VM_global_library.vm.

My dotCMS notes.

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