Run main class in test dir from maven with Java agent and Log4J configuration
It took a bit of help from Michal (on this StackOverflow post: Running main method from test class via maven) before I got this right. But here it is:
<profile> <id>run-importer</id> <properties> <loadTimeWeaverArg>-javaagent:"${settings.localRepository}/org/springframework/spring-agent/2.5.6/spring-agent-2.5.6.jar"</loadTimeWeaverArg> <log4JConfigArg>-Dlog4j.configuration=file:${}/path/to/</log4JConfigArg> <mainClassArg>com.myorg.MyClass</mainClassArg> <arg1>foo</arg1> </properties> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>exec-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.2.1</version> <goals> <goal>exec</goal> </goals> <configuration> <executable>java</executable> <classpathScope>test</classpathScope> <arguments> <argument>${log4JConfigArg}</argument> <argument>${loadTimeWeaverArg}</argument> <argument>-classpath</argument> <classpath /> <argument>${mainClassArg}</argument> <argument>${arg1}</argument> </arguments> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </profile>
And I run it with the command line: mvn -e exec:exec -Prun-importer
The advantages of this approach:
- The whole purpose of this profile is to run "special code" that should never be deployed but needs to make use of code in src and test src.
- It leaves room in case this ever needs to be duplicated, so there is no "competition" regarding what gets run with
mvn -e exec:exec
. - I can specify java agent, log4j and lots of other config using variables that already exist in the pom.
- I can override any of these arguments on the command line with